MAP | 地図 | ||
UNICORN CENTER セッションは日・月・祝日に行っております Open on Sundays, Mondays and public holidays |
ユニコーンセンター 住所 167−0051 杉並区荻窪3ー46-17 ヴィラホロニカ302 アクセス ・荻窪駅から徒歩8分 阿佐ヶ谷駅。南阿佐ヶ谷駅 より徒歩10分 ・荻窪駅からバスの場合荻窪駅北口 関東バス(阿05)午後のみ 又は西部バス(荻15)で一駅 天沼バス停より1分 |
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It is VERY EASY to get to Ogikubo from central Tokyo on the Marunouchi, Chuo or Tozai
Line! 1) Take the Marunouchi Subway Line bound for Ogikubo and get off at the last stop. Go out the exit toward the JR Line and keep going up the stairs in front of you (south exit). Then follow the directions on the right. 2) Take the Chuo Line (orange train). From Shinjuku it is the 4th stop (11 minutes) on weekdays: Nakano, Koenji, Asagaya and then Ogikubo. On weekends and holidays Ogikubo is the next stop after Nakano. All RAPID trains stop at Ogikubo (you will see RAPID written on the sign above the platform).Do not take the SPECIAL RAPID train Follow the directions on the right. 3) Take the Tozai Line and get off at Ogikubo. Follow the directions on the right. 4) You can also take the Sobu Line (yellow train) but BE CAREFUL to make sure it's not bound for Nakano. Some trains shuttle between Shinjuku and Nakano. FROM OGIKUBO STATION to Unicorn Center : 12-minute walk from Ogikubo Station. Go out through the east ticket wicket(東口). You will still be underground. Then go toward your right and up the escalator to sreet level. That is the south exit. Once you are outside, cross over to the shopping street with the little arch over the entrance. You will see a Segami drugstore on your right with Shakeys over it. Take that first left. Go past the Yoga Studio and Kaldi and walk straight, crossing at the lights at the 7-11. Keep walking for quite a while until you come to a T-junction (you will see a little park on your right and the public gym on the left just before the T-junction). Turn left and then take a right onto Omekaido (main street). Immediately you will see a bridge over the street and a traffic light with the sign Bundaisugiko. Unicorn Center is in the small 3-story building on your right just before that overpass. You will see a sign for USEnglish in the show window. Go to the left side of the building and ring the bell for 302. |
青梅街道に出て右折し、直ぐ見える歩道橋の手前、右側にUSEの表示がある英会話学校があります。その建物左側入り口のインターフォン302を鳴らしてください。 Unicorn Center is on the 3rd floor of Villa Holonica (USEnglish is on the 1st floor) |
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