The following introductions are for the healers who have registered to participate in the FESTIVAL.. Please check back again as the website will be updated regularly.

Rosalyn Hagiwara
CLEARSIGHT HEALING SESSION: 20 minutes 2,000 yen
Rosalyn will use her skills as a Clearsight Clairvoyant Healer to begin to clear your chakras of energy blockages. As your body regains balance, your energy will flow more smoothly, and you will feel revitalized. See her website and the one for Clearsight

Yuuko Hughes
ENERGY READING 30minutes 3.000yen

I read your energy and tell you necessary messages. Those messages give you real power in your life. Everyone has a gift when they are born. But most of people don't notice what their gift is. When you are ready to know, I'll tell you what is it.(Readings will be conducted in Japanese)

EFT 20 minutes 2,500 yen. Groups: 20 minutes 1,500 per person
EFT is a method of tapping with the fingertips at the end-points of the body s energy meridians, while tuned into a problem. In doing so, we balance the energy disruption that continues to trigger the problem. Fears, traumas, limiting beliefs, cravings, sport performance, fear of speaking English, headaches etc simply go away. EFTworks on the theory that our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains, disease and anxiety.
For an EFT 1 hour session people are charged up to 30,000 yen in Japan, so, take the chance to LEARN and USE this wonderful technique at the lowest price NOW. 121relaxation.jp

EMF Balancing Technique Introductory Session 2,000 yen,Sound Therapy Reading 2000 yen, Intuitive Energy Healing 3,000 yen, 2-minute TuneUp 500 yen)                    
EMF = There is a place, an actual system within your consciousness where logic and infinite potential merge to create a greater reality filled with attainable possibilites. We are living in a time of great change, personally and collectively. This time of transformation presents us with a golden opportunity to evolve beyond our currents limits. If we keep doing the things we have always done, we will continue to create the same results. Do you choose to embrace your evolutionary process, or do you choose to remain the same??
SlowingDownAging@aol.com www.HarmonicTransformation.blogspot.com

Melanie Lacombe
ZEN SHIATSU 20 minutes 2,000 yen
Zen Shiatsu seeks to balance the Ki in our body in order to maintain or improve health. It is based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The practitioner uses pressure along the meridian channels to get rid of tensions and stagnation of energy. This helps to restore harmonious circulation which encourages the body's self-healing abilities. Zen Shiatsu addresses many specific health issues (physical and mental) but you can also simply benefit from its deep relaxation effects. Melanie speaks French, English and Spanish. A little Japanese too... But we don't need to speak that much anyway !

Renata Drtina
GESTALT THERAPY 20-30 minute session. Donations accepted.
I am a practicing, qualified Gestalt therapist with an interest in personal encounter with the novel - in ourselves, in our life. I offer mini-Gestalt sessions as direct, brief looks into our self and our vast hidden potential.The focus is on the immediate moment - the now - and ourselves in it. It is grand in its simplicity. We allow the moment to hold what is, as it is. And as the clutter of thought falls away, we discover our deepest needs and allow them to emerge into the present moment. We offer them our presence. We arrive at our own deeper truth.

Nicole Mizoguchi


Nicole is an artist that reads your energy and creates a colorful drawing of you. She will also give you a clairvoyant reading. The session helps you feel inspired in your life. You'll receive a drawing, short reading, and color information page that explains the meaning of the colors. Nicole speaks English, but will give you a color page in English or Japanese. See her website

Crystal Rei
Powerstone Fortune &Singing Rin Fortune Telling 20 min. 1000 yen  
今あなたが選ぶパワーストーンたちは未来を見通しています。なぜならパワーストーンたちは宇宙の137億年の記憶をそのうちにとどめており、あなたの微細な波動をキャッチし、引き寄せるのです。そのストーン達が無作為に落ちた場所こそ、あなたにとって意味があるのです。古代エジプトや中国でも行われていた卜占(ぼくせん)という手法です。そして、あなたが選んだパワーストーンの情報をもとに、倍音楽器「シンギング・リン」を使ってチャクラを開きます。日本の叡智が凝縮された楽器である「シンギング・リン」の素晴らしい倍音は、弱ったチャクラの周波数を格段に強めます。また特に素晴らしいのは、その音波(倍音)の性質により、一気にルートチャクラからクラウンチャクラまでを同時に整えることができるのです。携帯HPhttp://bp.ajdj.jp/reiclub/レイクラブ有限会社HPhttp://www.reiclub.jp/index.html Interpreter will be available